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A member registered Mar 20, 2021

Recent community posts

Thanks for the update and don't worry, I know most of us don't mind the wait because we know how much care you put in your work and Bastien and Sofia's routes speak for themselves in their quality. The art is also quite lovely, love the pretty hair!

(1 edit)

Hi, I came to the sequel page because I have another question (last one, I swear): would you consider putting the early access game on steam? In truth, i would love to accompany the game episodically but buying on itch would mean buying in dollars, which is significantly more expensive because of my country's currency, so I would like to know if you thought of that option. But, if that isn't possible, I will try to be patient for the full release or save money ~

Also, for the full release on steam, do you plan on putting achievements? It's something I missed on the first game :) again, love your game and thanks for your time

It does, thank you so much for answering

Hi, I love your game and recently I did a second playthrough to meet these amazing characters again and I left with a question. Is the MC canonically bisexual in every route, like I thought on my first playthrough, or depending on the route her sexuality changes (like, being a lesbian on the girls routes and straight on the guys routes)? Thanks for your time and really excited for the full release of the sequel!